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You are LOVED   ♥   You are VALUED   ♥   You are WORTHY


I'm Sue

I believe we are born to flourish, but sometimes we are faced with, or have faced challenges and adversity, which throws us off track.

This can lead people to feeling for example:

  • Stressed and Overwhelmed
  • ​Facing Mental Health Issues
  • ​Not being as productive as they might be in the workplace
  • ​Struggling with relationships.

The reality is, we can all face challenges and adversities, they can hit us at any time in our life.

For some people, they can pick themselves up and carry on. For others, they need some time and a good support network at home and work, or they find themselves stuck, not knowing how to move on, sometimes hitting points of despair and/or mental health crisis. This can impact work and relationships and sometimes results in people needing to take time off work or retreating from family and friends. 

Is it really possible to dream again and follow a life a hope and empowerment?

A life where you can find your passion and purpose, you can discover a greater happiness, greater relationships and stay in the job you love, or move on to discover new adventures? 

The answer, I believe is


How can I be certain of this? 

Because I've been there. I've been in total despair and experienced a 2 year mental/emotional breakdown. I've battled depression, anxiety, PTSD, constant suicidal thoughts.

Now I am an advocate, a coach, speaker and international author helping people know there is more in life and believe that they were born to flourish, born to follow their dreams and passion and walk in their purpose. 

Love your neighbour, as yourself

One of the many reasons people can struggle is that they are loving their neighbour out of their own strength; their own energy; without ever truly loving themselves and giving themselves time and space to replenish their own needs.

When we fully grasp the power of loving ourselves, we can move in our transformation. 

Looking for a speaker for your event?

  • ​​Sharing my own personal journey of mental health challenges and adversity, which you can discover more of from the book, "From Despair to Hope, Here I am Empowered".
  • ​​Sharing strategies to help people believe it's possible to live a greater life​.
  • ​​Sharing the power of the ARC Transformation (TM) Model to help challenge the situations we find ourselves in and to live our lives in a greater way.
  • ​​Sharing how it's possible to dreams again and discover your purpose; build greater relationships and confidence.

In the workplace...

  • ​helping to build a greater understanding around mental health and its challenges in the workplace and how employees and employers can work together effectivity to build a win-win situation.
  • ​Topics can include, for example:
  • creating a supportive work culture
  • ​Stigma and mental health and starting a difficult conversation. 
  • ​motivation and the impact of the power of words.
  • ​Work / life balance and wellbeing
  • ​managing stress in the workplace, before it manages you and impacts the business.
  • ​the impact of interruptions
  • ​Time management and goal setting
  • ​Contact to discuss additional topics and speaking requirements.

In churches...

  • to help gain an understanding of the impact of over spiritualising mental health and ways we can support and help those struggling with mental health issues as they come through our door's week by week.
  • Topics can include, for example:
  • Love your neighbour, as yourself.
  • ​God with skin on - supporting others through mental health crisis.
  • ​Stigma and mental health and starting a difficult conversation. 
  • ​The power of the words
  • ​Motivation and purpose
  • ​What do we mean by mental health?
  • Contact to discuss additional topics and speaking requirements. 

Journey of Transformation

Talk may include for example

  • Building Trust
  • ​Mental Health vs Physical Health
  • ​The Power of forgiveness and choice
  • The Power of saying 'No', The Power of saying, 'Yes'
  • Challenging perfectionism
  • Foundations and Boundaries
  • ​Fixed and Growth mindsets.
  • The power and impact of words

Are You Ready to Dream Again?

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Take Time to Invest in YOURSELF and know:

You are LOVED   ♥   You are VALUED   ♥   You are WORTHY

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